Training System Cost of Ownership Prediction Tool (TSCOPT)

The TSCOPT is a Life Cycle Cost / Total Cost of Ownership Model and Prediction Tool specifically oriented for training system modeling and predictions.  This prediction model and tool was originally developed by LSESS using the Tecolote Research, Incorporated Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tool (ACEIT) set environment in 1994 / 1995.  

The ACEIT environment is the industry standard for developing cost estimates and automating the cost estimating environment.  The ACEIT environment has been approved and used by every branch of the Department of Defense.  The key to ACEIT's power is an architecture that allows each tool to operate separately while maintaining the capability to automatically link together. This enables a user to quickly move from one function to another—from searching an electronics database to building a cost estimating relationship (CER), to including that CER in a life-cycle cost estimate, to assessing the uncertainty in the estimate, to running what-if drills, to generating reports and charts to populating PowerPoint presentations. Every feature in ACEIT is there because a Government cost analyst wanted it there to make their job easier.  The ACEIT environment construct is similar to how Microsoft Office provides a suite of applications to automate office functions and uses the familiar Microsoft Office look and feel. 

The TSCOPT's estimating / prediction algorithms can be sustained / maintained by your cost analyst experts while the unique user interface permits multiple management and non-cost analysts personnel to access and run the system through a Microsoft Office Excel interface.  This unique interface permits access to the modeling foundational framework without risk of corrupting the predictive ability of the tool.  Authorized personnel can then use the tool to obtain the necessary predictions and / or reports for periodic operational training system management decisional needs.  Each authorized user can input their own unique set of input variables and set certain parameters to either obtain a cost prediction or just review “what-if” scenarios.  

In addition to building the TSCOPT in the ACEIT environment; using the ACEIT ACDB tool, LSESS has interfaced the ACEIT database with various TSOM component databases.  This permits data such, as the WBS or other cross tool common data, to be entered once and then shared or used multiple times by all of the TSOM components that require that particular data.  This enter once use multiple times philosophy ensures consistent information correlation between information management systems, increases accuracy and provides a hidden level of operational efficiency.

LSESS presented a white paper on the TSCOPT and its modeling constructs at the 1995 I/ITSEC

·       1995 Inter-Service/Industry Training Systems & Education (I/ITSEC) Conference White Papers

Training System Life Cycle Cost Model presentation

Training System Life Cycle Cost Model white paper

Total Training System: A Comprehensive Design Approach Concept presentation

Total Training System: A Comprehensive Design Approach Concept while paper

Department of Defense Letter of Commendation for C-17 ATS Cost Analysis and Modeling Development

·       1997 Association for Educational Communications and Technology/Federal Education Training Association (AECT/FETA) Conference White Paper Presentation

Aircrew Training System Life Cycle Cost Model presentation

·       1998 Flight Simulator and Engineering Maintenance Conference (FSEMC) White Paper Presentation

Aircrew Training System Cost of Ownership Model presentation

The TSCOPT currently requires the separate acquisition and licensing of the ACEIT modeling environment from Tecolote Research Incorporated.  The ACEIT environment is a government funded automated architecture and framework for cost estimating, cost analysis, cost research, cost data collections, financial analysis, business case analysis, cost uncertainty analysis, and other cost analysis tasks.  The ACEIT was developed by and for US Government cost analysts to provide a suite of applications to automate and facilitate cost analysis and budget development and thus can be acquired by any US Government prime contractor.  Microsoft Corporation has designated Tecolote as a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner (MCP). 

Description: Description: Description: Tecolote